Unaccompanied Minors Traveling in Bolivia:

There is some discussion on the Internet about minors travel requirements for Bolivia. Websites discuss that due to recent international child abductions, unaccompanied minors traveling to Bolivia should carry a notarized official Parental Authorization and Consent Certificate. This can be a letter written in both English and Spanish authorizing the child to depart the United States, enter Bolivia on or about (date), travel within Bolivia, and exit Bolivia on or about (date).
For most U.S. tourist travelers this is a precaution to ensure smooth unrestricted travel, however it is not required in certain circumstances. The U.S. Department of state’s website indicates:
“This requirement does not apply to children who enter the country with a U.S. passport as tourists, unless they hold dual U.S./Bolivian citizenship or have been in Bolivia for more than 90 consecutive days.”
If your child is traveling on a volunteer, missionary trip, or other expedition to Bolivia for under 90 days, the letter appears to be unnecessary.
If you decide you want to include a letter of parental authorization and one parent is deceased, you can attach the death certificate. If parents are divorced, you could annotate ‘divorced’ or if possible, have both parents sign a notarized letter. Sole custody documents could also be used to indicate permission for your child to travel abroad.
Many UPS stores have a notary official and they charge about $2.00 for their signature and official stamp. So considering the cost, a notarized Parental Authorization and Consent Certificate is easily available and affordable.
See more information on the rules for the required parent letter of permission from the Bureau of Consulate Affairs discussion of Bolivia unaccompanied minors travel.
Keeping Children Occupied on Airline Flights
Another tip for minors traveling abroad:
You might consider purchasing the Kindle Fire to help children pass the time on the international flight. Load it up with books and a few movies to kill time during the long waits that often occur while traveling in Bolivia.
- Have you sent an unaccompanied minor child to Bolivia?
- Have you traveled as a single parent with a minor child?
- What was your experience?
Tell us in the comments below.
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