A SlideShare presentation makes me ask the question, “Are Bolivia’s shoeshine workers self-employed entrepreneurs?”
Have you heard of SlideShare? SlideShare is another social media networking site. If you are familiar with Pinterest (which shares photos) and Youtube (which shares videos), think of SlideShare as a way to share presentations or slide shows.
SlideShare interested me as a photographer because it’s one more way artists can present their photos and one more venue to reach a target audience.
Anytime I come across a new social networking site, I test the activity by entering the keyword Bolivia. It’s such a narrow niche that I figure if there is activity on that subject, then the site is worth exploring.
I can’t imagine anyone visiting La Paz and not seeing the shoeshine workers and I’ve shared a few of my own shoeshine experiences.
Look at this SlideShare from The Fundacion Nuevo Dia titled Who’s Behind that Mask? Quien esta detras de la pasamontanas? which provides a different view of the shoeshine workers in Bolivia.
Who’s Behind that Mask? Quien esta detras de la pasamontanas? from April Pojman
Bolivia Entrepreneurs
The benefits of becoming a shoeshine worker makes them sound like little entrepreneurs with opportunities to:
- Carry out normal work like any other
- Experience social interaction
- Support yourself
- Be your own boss
- Set your own schedule
- Have pride in your work & a guaranteed job
- Save for your future: education, clothes, shelter, heath
Helping Bolivia’s Poverty
Should we carry some shoe polish to give away on our next trip?
What about shoeshine girls? Is this profession restricted to males?
Do you think of shoeshine workers as entrepreneurs? ~ Tell us in the comments below
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