Internet Social Media Marketing for Photographers:
If you’re a photographer who has not yet established a presence on the various social media platforms, consider Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers by Lawrence Chan.
Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers covers general social media marketing from a photographer’s viewpoint. Beginners to social media will quickly learn the basics and easily set up a presence on Internet sites like Flickr, Tumbler, Delicious, Blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook pages.
Both newbies and experienced photographers should find value in Chapter 7, Blogs and Websites, where Lawrence Chan focuses on ideas of exactly how to using the internet to market your photography. He includes four pages of potential post titles which can easily be modified again and again for blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and more. All you would need to do is rephrase a little and add keywords targeting your audience. This chapter also includes an interview with Christopher Becker in which Mr. Becker specifically shares a tip on how he uses Facebook to promote.
I would have liked to see more specifics focused on photographers. Exactly how can we use social media if we are portrait photographers? Landscape photographers? Journalist photographers?
What should we, as photographers, do differently compared to other professionals when using social media for marketing? What strategies can we implement to convert sales? (These concepts are not addressed. Perhaps one day, there will be a Volume II.)
Chapter 8, Photography as a Social Luxury did offer a few new ideas for me. Lawrence Chan touches on reaching your target audience, communication, and your overall business image. I also enjoyed reading about all the personnel who might be involved in taking a photograph (such as a florist, chef, venue coordinator, etc.)
While digital photographers are targeted in the title, there is no reference to digital vs film marketing strategies, so this book can be of benefit for those still partial to film.
This is a book covers an overview of social media marketing for photographers. If you are a beginner at social media marketing and want to get up and running quickly, purchase Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers.
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